Monday 20 August 2012

Batman on Trial

'One Day the Batman will have to answer for his crimes...but to us, not this madman'- Harvey Dent The Dark Knight 

So I watched 'The Dark Knight Rises' (TDKR) last weekend.
People have got allot of strong feelings about it as it is A BIG DEAL, well I liked it, it was alight but it did not take the Batman story where I wanted it to go, a awesome idea that no writer (and bigger comic book geeks will correct me if I'm wrong) has ever attempted- They didn't put batman on trial.
So quick recap for people living under a rock- After Dark Knight (DK) there is peace in Gotham thanks to the Dent Act (named after the sainted DA Harvey Dent who thanks to a cover up know one no one knows went over to the dark side as Two Face), which gives the police the power to jail people without trial (bye bye Habeas Corpus hello police state!). Social discontent is brewing class rage is building and mastermind muscle boy Bane leads a revolution #SPOILER# breaks the bat and takes over the city....
Bane decides to punish Batman is dropped into a hole/jail in the ground and left to suffer in agony watching Bane turn Gothem upside down (No police, houses of the rich looted, peoples courts established), its like the Paris the Paris Comune but with a Nuke to keep the government forces out.
Here's where I think the film missed a trick, instead of whisking Batman away to India, or whatever, Bane should have put him on trial in Gothem.
Think about it, after defeating Batman in the sewers Bane drags him out with him when he makes his appearance at the stadium and announces that B mans going to face a jury of his peers! We see latter in the film that Bane's set up Peoples Courts, what better use for this concept than to try Batman?

This would be a great move for Bane because it would be a terrific propaganda coup and I think he'd find allot of ordinary citizens (not criminals) willing to testify against the Dark Knight.

Here's how it could play out:

Judge (The Scarecrow): Batman you stand accused of, property damage, reckless endagerment, Assault and battery, GBH, ABH etc etc. How do you plead?
Batman: I'm Batman
Judge (The Scarecrow): Council for the Prosecution
Bane: For years these corrupt dictatorship has been able to exist because of The Batman a masked vigilante, who has defended the privileged by brutalising poor people....

What do you think guys? Lets have some ideas and write this sucker...

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